Tuesday, November 08, 2005

August 13th Precedence show

Hi everyone! Here are some pics of Mark's band Precedence at a show that they did on August 13th. (Which happened to be Joshua's 8th birthday!!) The band decided to rent a stage, along with a baby grand piano, lighting and everything else. It looked AWESOME. It was definitely a real stage show, like you would see if you went to see your favorite band at the Civic Center or something. The only problem was it was un-Godly hot and humid, and there was a giant thunderstorm during the middle of the show. The guys didn't even stop playing though, even while everyone else ran for cover under the tarps. It was held on a field that had a driving range behind it, so you can see the kids playing on the driving range in a couple of shots. Anyways, enjoy!! Posted by Picasa

Groovin' Posted by Picasa

Does something smell bad??? Posted by Picasa

Bob singing Posted by Picasa

Matty Posted by Picasa

Bob playing guitar Posted by Picasa

Grandma Jean and Joshua Posted by Picasa

Joshua playing golf at the concert Posted by Picasa

Bob again Posted by Picasa

Bob on keyboard Posted by Picasa

Hallelujaih!! Posted by Picasa

Mark and Kevin behind the smoke machine Posted by Picasa

Matty again Posted by Picasa

Matty close-up playing Posted by Picasa

Bob playing his keyboard Posted by Picasa

Matty hiding behind his drum kit Posted by Picasa

Mark Posted by Picasa

Kevin Posted by Picasa

Kevin close-up Posted by Picasa

Mark close-up Posted by Picasa

Matty playing Posted by Picasa

Bob Posted by Picasa

Kevin and Mark getting into it! Posted by Picasa

Matty playing (see Matty -- I DID get pics of you actually playing!!) Posted by Picasa

Matty playing his drums!! Posted by Picasa

Bob playing the baby grand Posted by Picasa